Read more about the article 3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Brand as a Freelancer
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Brand as a Freelancer

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3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Personal Brand as a Freelancer A study by Upwork from 2017 revealed that the size of the freelance workforce has been growing three times the rate of the total workforce in the United States alone. Today, with unemployment levels skyrocketing in many countries worldwide due to the Corona pandemic, more…

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Read more about the article Should you borrow Money or use family savings?
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Should you borrow Money or use family savings?

Should you borrow money or use your family savings? When planning a significant purchase, you may question Should I get a loan or use my savings? Here are all the pros and cons you need to make an informed decision. If you plan to make a substantial investment, you are probably wondering what the best…

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Read more about the article The Amazing Benefits of Volunteering
Photo by ray sangga kusuma on Unsplash

The Amazing Benefits of Volunteering

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Modern life seems so busy that one might wonder how volunteering can fit into the picture. With demanding jobs, active social lives, family responsibilities, and a thousand other activities in between, there’s little time left to breathe, let alone volunteer.  You may not realize all the benefits of volunteering.  Not only for those who receive…

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Read more about the article Life Insurance: Prepare Your Family for the Worst
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Life Insurance: Prepare Your Family for the Worst

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Unfortunately, life seldom goes exactly according to plan, so it’s best to prepare your family for the worst. By taking out life insurance policies for your family, you can ensure your loved ones have financial security. And you can gain peace of mind.  Types of Life Insurance Policies  The two main types of life insurance…

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Read more about the article Why You Should Consider A Lab-Created Diamond Engagement Ring
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Why You Should Consider A Lab-Created Diamond Engagement Ring

As Millennials start getting married and settling down, they’re trending away from choosing products that don’t represent sustainability and ethical practices. Now that they are reaching their 30s, it’s not likely that this will change. The traditional diamond engagement ring purchase is getting much more thought than it has in the past. With companies producing diamonds in…

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Read more about the article Everything You Need To Know About Resin Driveways
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Everything You Need To Know About Resin Driveways

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The first thing people notice when they approach a particular house is the driveway, which is a fundamental part of any home. Since there are many driveway possibilities available on the market, choosing the adequate driveway for your premises can be overwhelming. From tarmac to asphalt, brick pavers to cobblestones, and resin driveways, the market…

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How Mommies Can Make Money by Crafty Merchandising

Having multiple income streams is definitely a good plan, especially as a parent. Extra money coming in can be helpful in covering everything from medical emergencies to those dreaded last minute school projects fees. Because somehow a model of a cell diagram never seems to cost less than $50 and we only get a days’…

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How Aldi is saving my grocery budget {$294.76 for 2 weeks of food for 8 people}

Over the past few years, as our family has grown and our kids have gotten bigger, our grocery budget has become a source of stress for me. We went from spending $100 a week to barely making $200 a week stretch far enough, and I found myself skimping constantly—using less meat, buying fewer snacks, and…

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Read more about the article How to Start Your First Online Business as a Mom
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

How to Start Your First Online Business as a Mom

Being a mother, and more so, a stay-at-home mom is a vocation. It takes a lot of mettle and energy. However, we also understand that there are times when the routines involved can get tiring as well. During these times, we sometimes think about starting something new but still manageable, like an online business. Not…

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Read more about the article Simple Ways to Start Saving Money Right Away
Image by USA-Reiseblogger from Pixabay

Simple Ways to Start Saving Money Right Away

No matter where you turn, there is someone selling a cool new product or a bill collector handing you an invoice. It may even seem like living a life of debt is inevitable. However, there are several ways to start saving money despite your current income. Here are a few that you can apply right…

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