Read more about the article {30} Uses for Coconut Oil
source: Food for My Family

{30} Uses for Coconut Oil

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  • Post category:Green 101

I am counting down the days to my 30th birthday, and I couldn't be more excited! Truly! As I was brainstorming ways to celebrate here on the blog, I couldn't help but think that 30 lists of {30} items would be just about perfect for my type-A, list-making self. Join me for the next month…

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Read more about the article How to Furnish a House on Craigslist
source: Star Athena

How to Furnish a House on Craigslist

The following post is from Erin of The Humbled Homemaker: How to Furnish a House on Craigslist Nearly three years ago, my family made a cross-continent move from a short ministry stint in Vancouver, BC, Canada, to North Carolina. We arrived at our new home with six suitcases, a jogging stroller, a pack ‘n play,…

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Read more about the article 8 Days of Easter Advent for Families
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

8 Days of Easter Advent for Families

The following post is from Kristina of Toddler Approved: As Easter has been approaching I have been thinking a lot about how our family can focus more on the spiritual side of the holiday this year, instead of emphasizing the Easter bunny as much. Although I love to do egg hunts and surprise my kids…

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Busy Mom’s Guide to Detox

The following post is from Selena of 1momsmission: Busy Mom's Guide to Detox Is it just me, or does the cold and wet season make it really hard to feel productive? We’ve got things to do and no energy. What gives? Although some areas of the country are experiencing an early spring, winter may still…

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Read more about the article Our Family’s Approach to All Things Easter and Spring-Related
source: Kimber Photography

Our Family’s Approach to All Things Easter and Spring-Related

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  • Post category:Parenting

People often talk about two types of personalities -- rule-followers or rule breakers. However, I tend to find myself caught between the two. I'm a nonconformist in many ways: I tend to find a lot of what's considered "good etiquette" silly, and there are plenty of rules and laws that I think are ridiculous. And,…

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Read more about the article Printable Pen Pal Letter Template
Source: New Season Design

Printable Pen Pal Letter Template

The following post is from Jason & Jennifer Bruce of New Season Design: It's amazing how much friendships have changed simply by introducing technology to the mix. Where before, I mostly had friends from my local area, I now have close friendships with ladies from Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Maryland, West Virginia, Alabama, and North…

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Where Does the Time Go?

The following post is from Brad, a web designer and father of quadruplets: Where Does the Time Go? Every year that goes by, as a dad of four boys, the level of potential fun seems to increase exponentially.  And, as spring seems to have sprung early here in the Midwest, I am beside myself with…

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