Ring in the New Year With These Fun Fundraisers for Your Kids’ School

Crazy Hair Day

Ah, the festive season. With carols ringing out and the scent of gingerbread and pine needles filling the air, the time of year puts almost everyone in a more charitable, giving mood. So why not harness that bolstered community spirit and holiday cheer and use it to host a fun fundraiser for your kid’s school?

We know the end of the year is always a busy time for parents, so we’ve put together a list of 9 fundraisers you can organize in a flash. For even more options, check out this list of 10 Quick and Easy School Fundraising Ideas.

  1. Crazy Hair Day: Anything that adds a twist to a regular school day will get kids excited! To host a crazy hair day, encourage children to use gel and temporary colored hairspray to change up their look for the day in exchange for a small donation. For added hype, including a vote for the winner and a small prize.
  2. Trivia Evening: Loved by both parents and kids alike, all you need to host a trivia evening is a school hall and a parent or teacher to play emcee. Each team makes a donation to enter and prizes can often be provided by local businesses in exchange for advertisements.
  3. School Dance: Who doesn’t love a school dance? This fantastic opportunity for kids to hang out in a safe and fun environment also offers lots of opportunities for extra fundraising. Beyond the entrance fee, you can also set up coin donations for song requests, and sell non-alcoholic punch and snacks.
    fundraisers for your kids
  4. Bake Sale: Bake sales are a tried-and-true fundraising classic. Although they require a little extra work from parents, homemade baked goods are always top sellers. If your school has a home economics class, you could even suggest the kids whip up some sweet treats in class to help the cause.
  5. Movie Day: Host a movie day near the end of the year when kids are starting to get restless for the holidays. Movie days are a great way to raise money because they require such little organization. Homemade popcorn is cheap to make in bulk and a great way to enhance the movie experience. Collect donations both to participate in the day and to cast a vote for which film is screened.
  6. Pajama Day: Unlike costume days, pajama days take no preparation and are just as much fun! Simply collect donations from children and teachers who would like to come to school in their coziest PJs.
  7. Breakfast with Santa: For some holiday-themed fun, try this twist on a classic school breakfast. Invite all participating students and parents to a big breakfast in the school gym. Santa’s Helpers (parent volunteers) can serve quick and easy breakfast items like pancakes, eggs, and bacon while kids dine with Santa himself. For extra donations, set up a photo station and have a volunteer take Polaroid photos of children with Santa.
  8. Carol Singing: Carol singing is a wholesome and easy fundraising activity to put together during the festive season. Pair up with interested students and parents for one evening of caroling around the neighborhood, and you’ll be surprised at how many donations you can drum up! For extra cheer, have everyone dress in matching holiday colors.
  9. Snowman Competition: Take advantage of the chilly season by hosting a snowman-building competition. This completely free activity is a perfect way to get the kids active and promote a friendly rivalry between classes. Children donate to participate, and the winning team receives a small prize.
  10. Car Wash: When the weather is nice, a car wash fundraiser is lots of fun, and you help your charity/school out at the same time.

Fundraisers don’t have to be costly and time-consuming to be effective. So, why not ring in the New Year with a fun and easy fundraiser featured above?

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