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source: Francisco Osorio

{30} Ways to Invest in Your Marriage

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  • Post category:Marriage

I am counting down the days to my 30th birthday, and I couldn’t be more excited! Truly! As I was brainstorming ways to celebrate here on the blog, I couldn’t help but think that 30 lists of {30} items would be just about perfect for my type-A, list-making self. Join me for the next month as I share the things I’ve learned in the past 30 years and my hopes for the future! See all 30 Days of {30} posts here.

I’m so thankful for my husband and my marriage, but after a couple of busy weeks as we battle a nasty virus, get ready for guests, and prepare for vacation, etc, I’m reminded again of the importance of investing in it daily.

Like anything in life, the more you put into your marriage, the better it will be, and taking a few minutes each day to just focus on one another — or laugh or hug or whatever — can strengthen your marriage and make you feel more connected, regardless of what your schedule or stress level looks like!


Here are 30 fun ways to invest in your marriage. Most of them don’t cost a lot of money or even take a lot of time, and the benefits are well worth the investment!

1. Read a book together.

2. Play miniature golf (or go bowling or take a motorcycle ride…).

3. Flirt like when you were dating.

4. Email/text/call each other when you’re apart.

5. Go to bed together.

6. Get up early for a morning date.

7. Laugh together.

8. Share inside jokes.

9. Go on a date.

10. Or send the kids to bed early and have an at-home date night.

11. Plan a weekend away.

12. Go on a marriage retreat.

13. Write love letters to each other.

14. Keep a love note journal.

15. Listen – really listen – when your spouse speaks.

16. Take a class together.

17. Or share another hobby.

18. Take evening walks.

19. Sit and eat together.

20. Say “I love you”. Often.

21. Kiss without the expectation of sex.

22. But make sex a priority.

23. Tackle chores together.

24. Go for a drive.

25. Buy a book of conversation starters and ask each other questions.

26. Find a mentor couple to spend time with.

27. Touch when you argue.

28. Commit to spending 15 minutes together, without distraction, every day.

29. Allow time and space for separate passions/hobbies/friendships.

30. Surprise each other with thoughtful, not necessarily expensive, gifts.

How do you invest in your marriage?