5 Ways to Intentionally Parent Your Children

5 Ways To Intentionally Parent Your Children
Image by Gordon Johnson and Susan Cipriano from Pixabay

Intentional parenting is about doing something deliberately to deepen the bond between the parent and child. Through intentional parenting, parents can help their children build strong social and emotional skills. 

In the bible – Proverb 29:17 says, “Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad.” This proverb from the bible is somewhat linked with intentional parenting.  

It clearly shows the intent where parents need to do things deliberately, to teach their children about life, and at the same time attain peace of mind. 

The intentional parenting approach uses brain science to provide you with more ways to stay present with your child. This helps your child to see you as their role model and find their way in life.

Why Is Intentional Parenting Important?

Several types of research prove that parents are involved in the life of children and influence their growth, produce positive results, and create healthy parent-child relationships. 

Intentional parenting revolves around the following. 

  • Demonstrating authority.
  • Having consistent and predictable rules.
  • Being involved.
  • Have warm and encouraging communication. 

It has been seen that when intentional parenting is not present, research indicates that children have negative outcomes. It affects children’s emotional well-being and academic achievements. 

Experts believe intentional parents can help build emotional and social skills for their children. This includes – 

  • Making responsible choices.
  • Understanding, managing, and knowing oneself.

Ways To Be Intentional With Your Children

In today’s busy and fast-paced life, parents can find it difficult to get enough time to spend with their children. However, parents can do a few small things to engage with their children.

1. Communicate With Your Partner

It really helps when you and your partner are on the same page with intentional parenting. If not, you won’t be successful with intentional parenting. Sit down with your partner and discuss the goals and values that you have for parenting.  

It is an important aspect of being a parent. So, become as vulnerable and honest as possible and see what your partner says. If the other partner is having problems being on the same page, make them understand its importance and positive effect on the children’s lives.

2. Be Consistent With Your Promises

To make a strong relationship with your child, it is important that you keep up with your promises. If you have promised your child that you will take them to a movie this Friday night, do that. Nothing is more disheartening than canceling your plans and letting your kids down. 

No, we are not saying to miss important meetings and business calls. It’s okay to miss your promises once in a while but never make them a habit. As your children grow, they will understand your situation. 

3. Think About How You Were Raised

Everyone is raised differently. You might be raised better than others or the opposite of that. It doesn’t matter. Your parents have given you things that you can afford. You think about the things you wanted as a child and your parents were unable to because of circumstances. You can ensure that you give your children what you didn’t get in your childhood. 

Reflect on how much your parents spent with you and how much you need to spend with your children. Furthermore, consider the activity you and your children can do to build a strong parent-child relationship.

4. Designate A Day/Week To Spend valuable Time With Your Family

If you are extremely busy and hardly have enough time to spend with your children. Maybe the only time you get to see them is when you are returning from home and they are going to their bed. If that is the case, you must come with a family day for your family. 

A family day is one of the weeks where you prioritize family over everything. You leave all your work, worries, and tension in the back seat and spend the whole day with your family.

5. Create A Mindful Place At Home

Amidst all the activities your children have all day, they might find it difficult to de-stress and relax. Though the bedroom can be a good place for young children to relax, you can give them a place to seclude themselves. 

The best way to overcome this challenge is by creating a clutter-free space for your children to relax and do nothing. This place can be the living room, with a comfy sofa, bin bag, or hanging chair. 

Designating an area where your children can relax and nothing else shows that you care about their well-being.

father and sons
Image by White77 from Pixabay

Final Thoughts

Intentional parenting is an approach to fostering a safe and nurturing parent-child relationship. As a parent, you are important for your child’s success and an instrument to shape their future. 

When you practice intentional parenting, you need to know more about your child so that you can strategize to meet their development needs. With the right approach, you can develop your child’s social and emotional skills, regardless of age.


Image by Gordon Johnson and Susan Cipriano from Pixabay

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