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7 Wellness Tips No Student Should Neglect

College students clearly aren’t the most carefree people. Yet, some have managed to find better ways to deal with the pressure than others. College assignments, peer pressure, forgotten deadlines, boring professors are all parts of student life. And while you can find your essay helper on essayhelp and deal with an assignment, the relief from one task covered is somewhat temporary. In this article, we will talk about how you can get into a well-rounded state of wellness. Also, we will give you some tips on wellness and how to maintain it once you’ve achieved that state. But first, let’s figure out the obvious issue: what is wellness, exactly? We have identified seven wellness tips that no student should neglect.

Wellness is defined as simply as the state of being in proper health. The term normally includes its seven dimensions, which we are going to discuss: 

  • emotional;
  • physical;
  • occupational;
  • social;
  • intellectual;
  • spiritual;
  • environmental.

Now that we’ve figured out the basic terms let’s get into the details.

Rest for Wellness
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Emotional Wellness

For college students, this might be the toughest one to maintain. Yet, if you don’t, the rest might crumble. All the assignments, deadlines, unclear instructions, and mistreatment from peers can play a bad joke on you. 

Keep close track of your mental health to spot any problems before they become severe. One of the most efficient ways to track your moods is journaling.

One of the wellness tips is to pick up a pen and your favorite notebook once or twice a day and write down how you feel. It might seem weird at first, but once you develop this habit, it will come naturally. Write about the key events of your day and, most importantly, how that made you feel. Sum up with a conclusion on your inner state of mind.

It’s important to not let journaling be trigger-driven. For example, a lot of people journal only when something bad or stressful happens. 

Sure, it does help process the event and gets it off your chest. But at the end of a normal or uneventful day, they are unlikely to pick up a pen.

Physical Wellness

People running
Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Sports are vital not only for physical health but for mental one, too. A lot of students think they don’t have enough time for it. But if you take a closer look at your schedule, no matter how busy it is, you’ll surely find at least 30 minutes to spare every day. 

If you’re not into sports much, it’s high time to get into it. Especially now, with distance learning, while the majority of the world is stuck at home, it’s still important to find ways to unwind.

The possibilities are endless. Just think about something you enjoy doing. Whether it’s running or swimming, any activity is good for you. If you don’t know what it is that you like, try a little bit of everything. 

Workout to a YouTube video or download an app – there are loads of them online. The most important part here is to develop a habit. Another one of our wellness tips is to find the time for physical activity even if it is just 15 minutes at a time.

Occupational Wellness

It’s important to be satisfied with what you’re doing. You may not be sure about it at the beginning of college, but give it some time and analyze if you see yourself working in the chosen field for the rest of your life. If not, it’s better to change your major before it’s too late.

A lot of young people are pressured to choose a certain occupation by their parents. It’s important not to let that happen. Sure, parents are older, and they do have more experience in life, but this life is yours to live, and you should be the one making the decisions.

Social Wellness

Friends get together
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

This term is pretty self-explanatory. ‘Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are’ is the gist. Cultivate meaningful relationships, spot toxic people, notice red flags, and don’t be afraid to cut someone out from your life if they negatively influence you. 

Humans need to socialize and feel a sense of belonging, never forget about that. Even if you’re very introverted, it’s still good to have a couple of friends to occasionally hang out with.

Socializing is one of our seven wellness tips that should not be ignored. Find the time to socialize with friends maybe even develop new friendships.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness is not only determined by your grades at school. To improve it, it’s important to develop critical thinking and challenge your perspectives on life. Expose yourself to people with different viewpoints, listen to varying opinions.

Find out what learning methods work best for you personally. Engage in study groups with like-minded individuals. It will improve not only your grades but also your self-esteem.

Spiritual Wellness

This aspect is not purely about religion. Many people are spiritual but do not belong to a certain confession. Self-awareness is the key here. Shape a set of moral beliefs and values that will influence your decisions. 

Keep in mind, though, that our perspective on life tends to change as we grow older, and it’s important to challenge it from time to time. Refer back to the paragraph about intellectual wellness. Surround yourself with people who will grow with you and push you to educate yourself.

Exercise for wellness
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Environmental Wellness

This pertains to the efforts we make to turn our planet into a better place. There’s no arguing that corporations contribute to the Earth’s pollution much more than individual people or households. Yet, if you and many others make a conscious decision not to buy certain products or endorse certain companies, they will lose customers eventually.

Start with yourself. Think about your carbon footprint and think of ways to reduce it. A good starting point would be to stop buying bottled water and carrying a sustainable cup with you for beverages to go. Recycling, reducing takeout food, and avoiding fast fashion altogether are some of the small things each of us can do.

Final Thoughts

Wellness is not a destination but more of a journey. It’s an all-encompassing lifestyle that requires your attention at the beginning. But as you form sustainable habits, it will not require effort.

Reflect on your life. Think about the things and people that make you happy and those who do not. Grow healthier habits, organize your time, go to therapy if you need it. Don’t forget to socialize, even in these turbulent times. 

The past year has taught all of us that humans don’t deal with isolation well. Cultivate meaningful relationships with the people around you and take good care of yourself. Try to put into practice our seven wellness tips for a more balanced life.

Featured Image by silviarita from Pixabay