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Pampering Yourself Inside and Out: 14 Self-Care Tips to Make You Feel Incredible

Self-care is a term that encompasses a lot of different practices. It can be invaluable to make you feel happier and healthier, boosting confidence and enriching your life. It can be hard to find the time to incorporate self-care tips into your daily routine, but you should not underestimate the benefits. There are also plenty of ways to practice self-care and fit it around even the busiest schedule.  

Self-care is all about caring for your body both inside and out, mentally and physically. You should consider the food and drinks you put in your body, how you care for your outer appearance, and the ways you can care for and stimulate your mind. Here are some of our top self-care tips that will help make you feel amazing inside and out.  

Take A Scented Bubble Bath 

A great self-care tip is a bubble bath. A bubble bath is one of the most relaxing experiences out there. Including scented essential oils can make the experience even more enjoyable and enhance the natural de-stressing that comes from soaking in the tub. You could treat yourself to some new bath salts or use essential oils to create the perfect bubbly-scented bath. Add some candles and your favorite playlist to round out the relaxing experience.  

Sign Up For Yoga Classes 

Yoga can be a fantastic way to stay fit and de-stress all in one. If you’ve never practiced yoga before, it is good to start by signing up for a class. This will help ensure you learn with the correct posture and prevent injury. You could practice from home once you have a good handle on the right way to do the core poses. This allows you to incorporate your choice of music and lighting to create the perfect yoga experience. If you’re going for an at home approach, try to find the best Online yoga teacher training available to fit your needs. 

Go For A Spa Day With Friends 

Spending time with friends is a crucial way to feel mentally healthy. Humans are social creatures and require plenty of time spent with others to feel connected. A good social circle can also ensure you have support when you need it.  

A spa day can also be a fantastic way to care for your body and mental health. A massage can be an excellent way to ease the tension many people hold in their bodies. Additional spa treatments can be a great way to pamper yourself and spend quality time with your friends.  

Have A Day Of Retail Therapy 

Retail therapy has a positive reputation for good reason. It can be a great way to refresh your look and buy things you will enjoy. You should avoid buying too much and come up with a budget to ensure you don’t overspend. Consider taking a trip to a local mall to shop in person rather than online.  

Image by Miles D. Miller from Pixabay

Take A Healthy Cooking Class 

The food we eat can make a massive difference to our health, energy levels, and mood. You should ensure that you cook plenty of healthy meals that will keep your body strong and well-nourished. If you struggle to find new meals or don’t know the best ways to cook healthily, taking a cooking class can be invaluable. Look for a local course, or find one online that you can follow at home.  

Practice Gratitude 

Gratitude can be an excellent way to boost your mood and improve your mental health. Focusing on the things we’re grateful for can be a fantastic way to remember the good things in life and avoid fixating on the negative. When you feel stressed, think of a few things you’re grateful for on that day. It could be very meaningful things like a friendship or a partner, or something smaller like a good meal or a tasty piece of fruit.  

Start Taking Prebiotic Supplements 

Keeping your gut healthy is crucial to maintaining your overall health. Prebiotics help boosts the health of your gut and helps healthy bacteria thrive. This can positively impact a range of health concerns and helps reduce the chances of developing some conditions.  

Taking the best prebiotics supplements on the market is a great way to take care of your gut health. You should consult with an expert or find reputable resources like the ones from Dr. Ruscio to understand more about the benefits of prebiotic supplements.  

Use Essential Oil Diffusers 

The scents we use in our daily lives can considerably impact our mood. You could invest in an essential oil diffuser that allows you to experiment with different fragrances to find the right match. You should consider the effect you hope to have from the scents you use. For instance, if you want relaxation, lavender, frankincense, and ylang-ylang are excellent options known to reduce stress and anxiety.  

oil diffusers
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health. Dehydration can have unpleasant side effects, including fatigue, nausea, chapped lips, and dizziness. You should ensure you get plenty of water throughout the day, drinking a cup or two with each meal. It is also good to keep a glass of water or water bottle nearby throughout your day and take regular drinks from it.  

Get A Medical Checkup 

Getting a medical checkup can help put your mind at ease and ensure you catch any issues early enough to resolve them fully. You could get a yearly checkup to be sure everything is as it should be. If you notice you are experiencing any unusual symptoms, you should get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.  

Have A Lie In 

Another great self-care tip is allowing yourself to sleep in. Set aside one day of the weekend, turn your alarm off, and sleep until you wake up naturally. Let others in your household know you’re having a lie in that day and not wake you unless it’s important.  

Declutter Your Home 

Clutter can cause stress and anxiety, so keeping on top of clutter is critical to our mood and mental health. It is good to declutter regularly so that clutter doesn’t build to an unmanageable level. You could start by decluttering for 15 minutes per day and throwing away or donating anything you haven’t used in a while.  

Follow Positive Social Media Feeds 

Social media can make up a large part of our daily lives, and this doesn’t always positively impact our mental health. It can lead to feelings of isolation, fear of missing out (FOMO), stress, and negative body image. Cutting out social media may not be possible or practical for most people, so it is essential to modify the way you use it instead.  

Increasingly, there are social media profiles, feeds, and groups cropping up devoted to mitigating the harmful aspects of social media. You could look for body-positive Instagram feeds, websites that report on good, heartwarming news, or comedy Twitter personalities. By making most of your social media feeds positive, you can help reduce the possible harm. 

Go Outside 

Getting outside can give us some much-needed vitamin D, even in the depths of winter. This can help boost your mood and feel energized and refreshed. Connecting with nature can also have an incredible impact on our mood, so you should consider taking a daily walk to a local park or natural beauty spot. Make sure to put on sunblock to protect your skin from the sun’s rays, even in winter.

Following our self-care tips by pampering yourself inside and out will make you feel incredible.

Featured Image by Nawal Escape from Pixabay