Business Branding Secrets For Busy Moms 2019/2020

Busy Mom
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Knowing how to brand your business in 2019/2020 is vital if you’re going to get the results of your dreams. A business branded well is built to last and will strengthen every interaction with a customer – and as a busy mom, you can’t afford to make mistakes in this regard. Below, you’ll find strong branding secrets that busy moms love: 

Be Authentic And Consistent

Authenticity and consistency is a must in this day and age. Customers need to be able to trust your business to deliver the same fantastic service every time. Be open about the fact you’re a busy mom! Many people will relate to that and respect your hustle. 

Make Customer Service Your Priority 

If you want a way to increase brand loyalty tenfold, then you’re going to need to make customer service a priority and be there for your customers. Make sure you promptly answer the phone, reply to emails, and respond to messages on social channels. Hire people who can do this for you if you can’t, even if they are working remotely. Having a virtual assistant could take a real weight off your shoulders when you have kids at home. 

Provide Value In Everything You Do

Make sure that you’re continually providing value to your customers. Value means not just writing content, but writing content that you know will help them in some way. The same goes for putting discounts and offers out there. Every time you do something, make sure you consider the value for the customer. 

Make Quality Checks Important

Your customers will expect a certain level of quality. If it’s not there, you can hardly expect them to come back. Give customers a level of quality that they can trust and exceed their expectations as often as possible. 

Personalize Your Marketing

Personalizing your marketing efforts is a sure way to increase brand loyalty. You can easily use the data given to you by your audience to create more personalized experiences, helping you to deliver what they want. Putting together customized offers based on the data you collect will mean much more success. 

Listen To Your Customers

There’s nothing worse than a company that doesn’t listen to its customers. Listen to both positive and negative feedback. If there’s a two-way dialogue, your audience will feel far more connected to your brand. 

Anticipate Customer Needs

When you can anticipate customer needs, you can go far beyond their expectations. For example, warranties on a product could be a good idea if your customer is spending a lot of money with you. You want to give them peace of mind and surprise them with your forward-thinking. 

Check Your Values

Branding your business, as you can see, isn’t just about getting your logo right. It’s the overall message that you’re putting out there with pretty much everything you do. You need to make sure absolutely everything aligns with your values, from the wording on your website to your marketing materials. 

Be An Authentic Brand

Make sure your brand is authentic – this means being true to who you are and the skills you have. You don’t need to reinvent your business and inflate your message all the time. Image overhauls should be few and far between! 

Make Your Brand Human 

Making your brand human goes hand in hand with an authentic brand. You might wonder how on earth you’ll do this, but it’s very easy. All you have to do is think of your brand as a real person, but bigger. What brands do you remember, and why? They are most likely human brands! Consider who your brand would be as a real person and then build from there. You can also be more human by being honest about your struggles as a working mother. People will love your perspective and appreciate the work that goes into your products all the more. 

Use A Consistent Brand Voice

Brand voice consistency is essential. It helps audience members to recognize you when you speak to them and instantly makes you more relatable. You can easily check out examples of brand voice from other businesses to get an idea of how you would do this. You can also seek help from branding experts like WANT by visiting their website at

Maintain Your High Design Standards

How you use things like color, shape, and font can say a lot about your business. People will see these things and automatically decide whether they believe your brand is valuable or not. Having a robust visual branding system is essential, so you should get to grips with graphic design basics if you haven’t already. However, it’s always a good idea to hire a professional. 

Make The Whole Product An Experience

Making the entire product a fun experience can make a big difference to your customer. How can you make this a pleasant experience from start to finish for your customers, so that they are likely to make orders with you time and time again? Perhaps you could create a funny guide giving them ideas on how to use the product, a free sample, or something else that will make them smile. 

Use Social Media And Encourage Social Proof

It doesn’t matter how big your business is or what other strategies you have in place; social media is a must. You need to post on it regularly, and if you can’t, then you should hire somebody who can. Not only that, encourage customers to leave reviews and take pictures for your channels to create social proof. Other people are far more likely to be convinced by social proof that they should work with you! Using social media allows you to share interesting information, reply to queries, and sometimes, to promote products. Just don’t make it all about promoting products, as this will quickly get old, and you may lose followers from doing so. Social media should be just that – social. 

You could even use social media to host competitions and announce exciting news. Social proof is very powerful. People often look for it when deciding whether to work with a business or not. Make sure you’re giving people a good reason to help you out. 

Now you have some great secrets for branding your business moving forward. You should never run out of ideas! 

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