Read more about the article Can I Use A Virtual Data Room for Personal Reasons?
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Can I Use A Virtual Data Room for Personal Reasons?

Are you an entrepreneur who has ventured into legal business, mining, oil and gas, biotech and pharmaceutical, renewable energy, or investment banking? Are you looking for an environmentally friendly method of storing data that is not only safe and secure but can also facilitate your important transactions? If you answered yes to this question, then…

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Read more about the article 3 Ways to Spend Less and Give More This Holiday Season
photo credit: torbakhopper

3 Ways to Spend Less and Give More This Holiday Season

The following post is from Rachel of The Minimalist Mom: “Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” ― Mother Teresa When you have five siblings and a growing group of nieces and nephews, holiday gift-giving can quickly become both a huge financial commitment…

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Read more about the article Improve the Safety, Beauty, and Comfort of Your Home
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Improve the Safety, Beauty, and Comfort of Your Home

It doesn’t matter what type of home you own–whether it’s newly built or old or whether it’s a house or a condo–eventually, every homeowner develops a gnawing desire to improve their home. Unfortunately, these ambitious projects can quickly get out of control—costing more and taking longer than expected, and sometimes it is better to buy a home than…

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Read more about the article 10 Tips to Maintaining a Tidy Kitchen
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

10 Tips to Maintaining a Tidy Kitchen

The following post is from Becky of Clean Mama: 10 Tips to Maintaining a Tidy Kitchen The kitchen is the most-used room in our homes, which explains why it can go from tidy to trashed in no time.   Cleaning and tidying up while you prepare meals and share life with your family is easier than…

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Clever ideas to decorate your home with wallpaper

There is no way around it, I simply love wallpaper. It’s just so easy to change the look of a room with it! I recently discovered that wallpaper dates back to the sixteenth century when it was printed in single, monochrome sheets that copied the motives of the era. Since that time it has evolved…

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Printable Room Planner to Help You Plan Your Layout

I am so excited to share these printable room planners with you today! But first, I must tell you that most of the credit goes to my amazing husband because I would have given up long before finishing these printables if it wasn't for his help. He's the family's real decorator, designer, and Photoshop expert,…

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Read more about the article The 6-Step Process for Unclogging a Bathtub
Photo by Bruno Bučar on Unsplash

The 6-Step Process for Unclogging a Bathtub

There are probably a few things that can put a damper on a nice, refreshing shower faster than a slow-draining bathtub. This problem leaves you standing ankle-deep in dirty water, but it also leaves a soap ring that's hard to get rid of.  The cause of this situation is usually a big clump of hair, grease,…

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Read more about the article What Does Roof Hail Damage Look Like and How Can I Fix It?
Image by Etienne Marais from Pixabay

What Does Roof Hail Damage Look Like and How Can I Fix It?

You may have witnessed quite an interesting meteorological event if you’ve been in Denver from around mid-April to mid-September. Denver is located in an area known as “hail alley.” The sizes of hail usually range anywhere from a pea to a baseball, although the largest hail in Colorado was around the size of a grapefruit! As you…

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Read more about the article How to Clean a Humidifier for Your Baby the Right Way
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How to Clean a Humidifier for Your Baby the Right Way

Already have a baby humidifier or do you want to invest in one? You might want to learn how to clean humidifiers before purchasing as they can be a potential bacteria breeding ground. If you are looking to have a clean humidifier, this is for you. One of the issues with humidifiers is that while…

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