Rethinking Your Period: Choosing Healthier Feminine Care Products

The following post is from Emily of Live Renewed: Rethinking Your Period: Choosing Healthier Feminine Care Products So let's chat like sisters over coffee today, 'cause this is a pretty private and personal topic. And yet, because it's something most of us as women (if you're a man that's your cue to stop reading!), live…

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Read more about the article Homemade Tick & Mosquito Spray
Tick and mosquito spray

Homemade Tick & Mosquito Spray

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The tick population has been out of control at our house this year. The season started early, and with a vengeance, and by the time we headed to Florida for our vacation, we were ready for a break from them. Unfortunately, two-and-a-half weeks without mowing meant that our yard was quite jungle-like when we returned,…

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Read more about the article Homemade Whipped Body Butter Recipe
Image by jcomp on Freepik

Homemade Whipped Body Butter Recipe

The following post is from Micaela of Mindful Momma: Living in the Upper Midwest, I am used to the dry skin that long winters and too much time in artificially heated air bring on. My bathroom cabinets are filled with lotions and potions geared to combat dry skin, but I've found that there's nothing like…

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Why You Don’t Need Another Productivity Tool to Manage Your Time

The following post is from Prerna of The Mom Writes: Why You Don’t Need Another Productivity Tool to Manage Your Time That’s right. You don’t need that smart-looking planner. Or that shiny calendar. Or even that time management app for your new smartphone or tablet. You don’t need another tool to make you more productive.…

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Read more about the article 10 Productive Things to Do When Feeling Un-Productive
Image by Abbat from Pixabay

10 Productive Things to Do When Feeling Un-Productive

The following post is from Prerna of The Mom Writes: 10 Productive Things to Do When Feeling Un-Productive We’ve all been there. Those times when you just don’t feel like doing anything and yet know that you have to do something. Yeah, there.  When working is the last thing on your mind, but things need…

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Read more about the article Personalize Your Productivity: How to Create Your Best Productive Self
Image by Pixabay

Personalize Your Productivity: How to Create Your Best Productive Self

The following post is from Prerna of The Mom Writes: Personalize Your Productivity: How to Create Your Best Productive Self I know. Personalize productivity? Seriously? But hear me out. As someone who’s played with, worked with and experimented with several productivity solutions and techniques, I can safely say that my sense of productivity is uniquely mine.…

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6 home remedies for natural baby care

The following post is from Emily of Live Renewed: A new baby's skin is so soft, and delicate, and precious. And, as parents, we want to do everything we can to keep it that way. Unfortunately, many of the conventional and name brand baby care products contain ingredients that we wouldn't want to put on…

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