4 Chrome Extensions for Your Workday

The following post is from Michelle of Mommy Misadventures: 4 Chrome Extensions for Your Workday Everyone has a favorite web browser. I’m a heavy Google user, so it’s probably no surprise that Google Chrome tops my list.  And while all major browsers have add-ons/extensions and programs that help extend browser functionality, I have to say that…

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5 Beauty Products You Can Find in Your Kitchen

The following post is from Emily of Live Renewed: 5 Beauty Products You Can Find in Your Kitchen When my friend first told me about the EWG's Cosmetic Safety Database several years ago, I basically did the equivalent of a three-year old covering their ears and chanting, "I'm not listening, I'm not listening!" I was…

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Read more about the article The Pre-Breakfast Productivity Boost
source: Free Digital Photos

The Pre-Breakfast Productivity Boost

The following post is from Prerna of The Mom Writes: The Pre-Breakfast Productivity Boost As someone who is an early riser, I value the time I get before the morning routine gets underway. However, even if you’re not an early riser, you can use the time before breakfast to kickstart your day into a productive,…

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Introducing Banana Boat Natural Reflect Sunblock

Last year I wrote a post about balancing the risks of sunscreen and skin cancer. I shared our family's approach to spending time in the sun (hint: we don't avoid it) as well as the reasons that we choose a physical mineral sunblock rather than a chemical sunscreen. Until now, there's a pretty clear line…

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Read more about the article {30} Ways to Pay It Forward
source: Otterman56

{30} Ways to Pay It Forward

I am counting down the days to my 30th birthday, and I couldn't be more excited! Truly! As I was brainstorming ways to celebrate here on the blog, I couldn't help but think that 30 lists of {30} items would be just about perfect for my type-A, list-making self. Join me for the next month…

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Busy Mom’s Guide to Detox

The following post is from Selena of 1momsmission: Busy Mom's Guide to Detox Is it just me, or does the cold and wet season make it really hard to feel productive? We’ve got things to do and no energy. What gives? Although some areas of the country are experiencing an early spring, winter may still…

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Homemade Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Deodorant

Embarrassing confession time: since having babies, my hormones seem to be a lot more active, and there have been times that I've resorted to buying the expensive "prescription strength" deodorant to deal with the excessive sweating and resulting odor. This is especially true in those first few postpartum weeks, but I've found my sweat glands…

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Read more about the article How One Little Vitamin Changed My Life
source: Elizabeth Ashley Jerman

How One Little Vitamin Changed My Life

With a title like that, you might expect this to be some slick internet marketing pitch for you to buy some expensive formulation. But it's not. It's just my story, and -- as it turns out -- the vitamin that has made all of the difference is cheap and accessible. No marketing pitch necessary. Let's…

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