Crafts for Kids: Make A Kindness Wreath

Fall leaves
Image by anviktoriia from Pixabay

The following post is from Kristina of Toddler Approved:

Crafts for Kids: Make A Kindness Wreath at
source: Kristina Buskirk

We love to make wreaths for different seasons and use them to decorate our home.

This fall we decided to create a kindness wreath to help us remember to do little acts of kindness for our friends, neighbors, and other people in our community.

In order to make our Fall Kindness Wreath, we started by gathering up several supplies from our craft cupboard.


  • scissors
  • colored cardstock
  • markers/crayons
  • leaves (we used fabric ones from Michaels Crafts)
  • pom poms
  • felt stickers (we used ones from Michaels Crafts and Target)
  • White glue
  • foam or cardboard wreath base
  • ribbon (for hanging the wreath)
Crafts for Kids: Make A Kindness Wreath at
source: Kristina Buskirk


To get started we cut out some leaves from the colored cardstock. Then we glued fabric and paper leaves onto the wreath base using Elmers glue.

Crafts for Kids: Make A Kindness Wreath at
source: Kristina Buskirk

Next, we layered on stickers and pom poms to add some texture and decoration to the wreath. My daughter loved adding lots of glue and lots of pom poms 🙂

Once everything was dry we brainstormed some simple acts of kindness that we could do for other people this fall. Here are a few ideas we came up with…

Fall Acts of Kindness Ideas

  • secretly rake someones leaves
  • make pumpkin bars and take them to a neighbor
  • collect and donate canned foods for a local food bank
  • create fall-themed sandpaper printed cards for grandparents
  • leave a kind note on a neighbor’s car or doorstep
  • make a crockpot of soup and drop it off for a new mom we know
  • give away a copy of our favorite fall children’s book
  • give one to someone who is mourning a loss or is depressed

After we brainstormed, we chose a few acts of kindness to write on our leaves. Then we hung the wreath up so that we can see it often and remember to do the acts of kindness that we selected.

Crafts for Kids: Make A Kindness Wreath at
source: Kristina Buskirk

I love that the wreath looks pretty and also can be used to help teach my kids to do nice things for other people!

Have you made wreaths with your kids before? What are some other fall-themed acts of kindness we could add to our list?

Featured Image by anviktoriia from Pixabay

Kristina is a mom of 3 and a former Special Ed teacher for children with communication disabilities. She blogs at Toddler Approved as she looks for ways to make life a little more fun and creative with her kids while embedding learning into everything that she does. Kristina tweets as @ToddlerApproved and can be found on FB and Pinterest.

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