If you are a coffee connoisseur, then Colombian coffee must hold a special place in your heart. Because of its distinct character and exquisite flavors, Colombian coffee is quite popular all over the world. It is meticulously processed that combines skills and tradition. It is a craft that requires specialized techniques. Want to know more about the art of making Colombian coffee? In this article, we will embark on a journey from bean to cup to learn the various steps that are involved in making Colombian coffee.
Step-By-Step Journey Of Colombian Coffee
1. Cultivation
The first step is cultivating Colombian coffee plants in the coffee regions located in and around the Andes Mountains. Many factors like altitude, favorable climate, and volcanic soil of Colombia can provide the best conditions for cultivating coffee.
2. Harvesting
Once the coffee plants reach maturity and start producing coffee cherries, it is time to harvest. The skilled coffee pickers wait for the cherries to ripen. Then, they hand-pick the ripest cherries for the best flavor.
3. Processing
When the coffee is harvested, the coffee cherries go through a process where the fruits are separated from the beans. In Colombian, two primary processing methods that are used for this are – the washed process and the natural process. During the washed process, the outer skin of the coffee cherry is removed by pulping, which leaves behind the coffee beans. In the natural processing method, the whole coffee cherry is laid out for drying in the sun, and it eventually dries out, removing the outer skin and fruit from the coffee bean.
4. Sorting and grading
The processing takes time, and once it is done, it is time to sort those coffee beans and grade them. This is done based on the density, quality, and size of the beans. The skilled workers remove any damaged or defective beans and select the best beans to move forward for production. Thus, Colombian coffee has a great consistency when it comes to quality.
5. Roasting and grinding
The next step is to roast the coffee beans and grind them. Roasting can transform the green coffee beans into a flavorful and aromatic coffee. Professional roasters carefully control the temperature, time, and roasting profile to bring the most unique flavors of the coffee. After the roasting is done, the coffee beans are ground to get the preferred consistency. Different methods of brewing need different grind sizes.
6. Brewing and serving
Finally, the ground coffee is ready to be brewed into a delicious cup of Colombian coffee. You can choose from different brewing methods, such as espresso, pour-over, and French press, to get the perfect taste. After the brewing is done, Colombian coffee is served hot with a dash of milk and sugar (optional) in a ceramic cup or mug.
Aerial Resupply Coffee is a veteran-owned coffee company and has some high-quality Colombian coffee options available. Consider checking out their coffee for a premium option.
Making Colombian coffee is a skillful and labor-intensive process. It requires a lot of expertise and attention to every single detail at every stage. From carefully cultivating the coffee plants to precisely roasting and brewing them, it requires a lot of patience as well. But once Colombian coffee is served, you can enjoy its exceptional aroma and flavor to satisfy your taste buds.
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