Tips to Get Your Household in Order for Fall

I love the fall season with cooler temperatures, shorter days, the leaves are turning colors, and the kids are back in school. It may be hard to believe how fast time has flown by, but fall is here. For most families, this means getting back into the swing of routines and preparing their homes for the cooler months ahead. As beautiful as fall can be, it also brings with it a few potential problems that you want to prepare for. From the cold and flu to higher energy bills and unpredictable weather, here are some tips to help you get your household in order this season.

Clear Out All Summer Belongings

The best way to prepare for any season is to purge. It makes it easier for you to get organized. From the lawn furniture and grill in your yard to the summer clothes and shoes, it’s time to get everything packed up and stored away until it’s needed again.

As you’re putting away your summer belongings, set aside anything you no longer need. For example, the kids are likely going to outgrow most of their summer clothes, storing them is a waste of space and money, so decide how you’ll get rid of them. You can have a yard sale or donate them. After clearing out your summer belongings, you’re ready to pull out stuff for fall. This includes warmer clothes, home decor, and anything else you might utilize in the colder seasons ahead.

Do a Thorough House Cleaning

Who knows how much dirt, dust, and germs have trekked into the house over the past few months? Now that the colder weather is here, you’ll be keeping windows and doors closed. You don’t want to make the mistake of trapping yourself and your family inside with a mess. So, going from room to room, vacuum or mop the floors, wipe down all surfaces, and clean the windows. To ensure the house is thoroughly cleaned, be sure to use antibacterial or bleach products to clean to kill any germs and bacteria that may be floating around.

Credits: Photo by Alterfines on Pixabay

Pest Control

If there’s one thing the fall brings with it, it’s pests. The insects and rodents are looking for a place to hold up in for the winter. If you don’t want that to be your place, you need to contact a pest control company like Moxie Pest Control. Using safe measures, they’ll thoroughly prep your home to keep the pests at bay.

Service Heating System

You don’t want to get caught in the middle of the cold season with an inefficient heating system. Now is the ideal time to have it serviced to ensure it’s in working order all year. An HVAC contractor will complete general maintenance like replacing filters, cleaning the vents, and tending to any other small repairs that may be needed.

Winterize Your Home

Your house is now free from clutter and clean from top to bottom. You’ve ensured the pests won’t come running in, now it’s time to seal up the home to save on energy costs. This is a particularly important step for older homes that tend to have cracks and holes where cold air can get in. This will drive your energy costs through the roof. So, put plastic or weather strips around the windows and doors and seal up any visible holes.


Lots of people like the idea of changing up their home decor every season. If you happen to be one of them, now is the time to put the finishing touches on your home with some decor. Change to heavier window treatments miami like drapes, put down area rugs to help keep the draft off the floor, put out nice fall flowers and plants, and add your personal style with wall art, throw pillows, vases, knick-knacks, and whatever else you like to make your home look more festive.

Head to the Doctors

The last and final step to preparing your family for the fall is to schedule appointments for the doctor. Cold and flu season is in full effect and you want everyone to remain healthy throughout the season. Getting physicals to ensure your health is intact and flu shots can help minimize the likelihood of you getting sick this year.

The fall really is an amazing time of year. The cooler weather drives families to spend more time at home as they prepare to bring in the holidays. If you really want to enjoy this season, save yourself the stress and headaches by getting prepared in advance. This list of tips provided above will ensure that you not only enjoy the season but that you all remain healthy, safe, and save a few bucks in the process.

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