Read more about the article 3 Ways to Pay for Home Renovations and Repairs
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3 Ways to Pay for Home Renovations and Repairs

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Everyone knows that most home improvements actually pay off in the end, not only by adding value to your home but also by making it possible to get more for your home on the open market when you want to sell. Perhaps you may be expecting a little one, and space is already tight. Making home…

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Read more about the article Does Your Work Fulfill You?
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Does Your Work Fulfill You?

When you find work that you love and follow your passion, you will have simplified many of the complexities of your life. Doing work that you love promotes greater self-awareness and enhances your self-confidence. Expanding beyond your comfort zones is empowering.  You can find work that fulfills you by starting a new career or launching…

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Read more about the article Mommy Bloggers – With Babies In Their Arms And A Laptop
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Mommy Bloggers – With Babies In Their Arms And A Laptop

Motherhood online is a new successful trend in the world of bloggers. This happened because young creative mothers begin soul searching precisely on maternity leave. Alternatively, they begin to maintain their blogs. They have something to say. In this age of the Internet, each of us is a writer. Content is available from the moment…

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Read more about the article Smart Savings to Make in Your Home
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Smart Savings to Make in Your Home

Do you struggle to save money? You’re not alone. It can be difficult to save, especially if you feel like your income is stretched. If cutting back on your everyday spending is difficult, why not look at ways you can cut back at home? Making some changes to your typical habits could save you a…

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When the Occasion Is Ultimately Special As A Parent

Looking for a that gift that will always be remembered?  A gift for a very special occasion for a very special friend or family member?  There are a lot of different ways to celebrate a special occasion as parents, and some of these methods are fairly banal. While there are various ways to celebrate, in…

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Read more about the article Home Office Ideas For Work-At-Home Moms
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Home Office Ideas For Work-At-Home Moms

Working from home is a grand achievement for anyone that wants to get out of the daily nine to five grind. It has its upsides and its downsides, sure. But all in all, the opportunity to be both a breadwinner and a Mom at your convenience is invaluable. When you bring the idea up initially,…

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Read more about the article Best 10 Jobs for Moms
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Best 10 Jobs for Moms

Are you a mother looking for a job that will accommodate your work-life balance? Parenting requires an adequate balance of work and personal life. Having a flexible schedule means having more quality time with your family. Scrambling for adequate daycare can be a nightmare when you have to work long hours. There are quite a…

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Read more about the article 3 Steps: Don’t Sacrifice Retirement for College Savings
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

3 Steps: Don’t Sacrifice Retirement for College Savings

Does your 12-year-old have a burgeoning desire to become a veterinarian? Do you have a four-year-old who wants to “build big things?” My kids are six and three. They’re already set on becoming a ballet teacher and a tractor driver (yes, a tractor driver!) and like many parents, I’ve taken a stab at saving for…

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Debt Consolidation Helps In Saving Money Especially For Single Parents Out There

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It is no doubt that being a single parent is quite difficult. You need to manage everything, from bills to lunches and even school fees. Not only that, but most importantly, you have to realize the budget you plan to work on. Single parents will have some higher debt than most of the demographics in…

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