Read more about the article Burn Your Old Resume: How to Get a Job in 2021
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Burn Your Old Resume: How to Get a Job in 2021

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For decades, we all thought that there are strict resume writing rules that can’t be violated in any way. We’ve been told to keep it plain and simple, avoid anything non-related to work, emphasize hard skills, keep it formal, and so forth. But do these rules work today? The answer is no. The future is…

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Read more about the article How Essays on Domestic Violence Can Change a Social Problem
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How Essays on Domestic Violence Can Change a Social Problem

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We all know that domestic violence is one of the most prevalent social problems in society today. A recent survey by the United States Department of Justice states that nearly one in three women and about one in four men are victims of severe physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner. However, it's not…

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Read more about the article New to New York? Here’s How You Can Get Settled
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New to New York? Here’s How You Can Get Settled

Living in New York is a dream come true for many people. However, it can also be quite a scary experience. New York is busy and scary and loud, and it may be very intimidating and overwhelming for a newcomer to get settled. You may be tempted to hide under the covers and avoid the…

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Read more about the article How to Remove Restriction from a Stock Certificate
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

How to Remove Restriction from a Stock Certificate

When a company goes public, it sells shares of its stock to investors. These shares are represented by certificates that have certain restrictions on them. For example, the certificates may be subject to a lock-up period, meaning that the holder is not allowed to sell them for a certain period. There are various ways to…

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Read more about the article What’s The Difference Between Direct Cremation and Traditional Cremation?
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What’s The Difference Between Direct Cremation and Traditional Cremation?

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Many people are interested in direct cremations these days. It is easy to understand why when you consider that this is one of the least costly ways you can handle the funeral arrangements of someone who has recently passed on. Often referred to as a no-frills option, some people prefer them not because they are…

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Read more about the article Why it is a Good Idea to Invest in Condos
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Why it is a Good Idea to Invest in Condos

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Many people today are turning their investments into real estate and housing projects. Recently even big institutions are spending billions to invest in condos, and you can be sure you are making the right choice. You can purchase a condo to be a vacation home a personal residence or make it a solid investment. Although…

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Read more about the article How to Buy the Best Rolex Sports Watch?
Image by Antony Trivet from Pixabay

How to Buy the Best Rolex Sports Watch?

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The sporting field keeps expanding day by day, thanks to the increase in the number of participants and games. Fame and higher remuneration usually drive people towards sports. Then some individuals take part in sporting activities for fun and entertainment. However, most of these individuals would like to keep track of the time and show…

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Read more about the article Discovering more about Unit Trust Funds
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Discovering more about Unit Trust Funds

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  • Post category:Money

Due to the emergence of the internet and technological advancements, traditional savings plans that involve stacking up your hard-earned cash in the bank waiting for a rainy day are slowly getting replaced. Schemes like Unit Trust Funds have emerged as investment options accessible to most people. Read on to learn more about Unit Trust Funds and their…

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Read more about the article The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Virtual Offices
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Virtual Offices

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  • Post category:Business

Virtual offices are an excellent alternative to a traditional office space at a fraction of the cost. They provide all of the features and benefits of a traditional office, with a few notable exceptions. This article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual offices. What are virtual offices? Virtual Offices or shared…

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Read more about the article How Technology Can Reduce Workplace Stress
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

How Technology Can Reduce Workplace Stress

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  • Post category:Business

Workplace stress is an unfortunate side effect of working. It appears to be so commonplace that many people often assume that workplace stress is practically unavoidable and something they must simply accept as part of their job. However, this is far from the truth, and there are many ways that people can reduce their workplace…

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