Free Thanksgiving eBook: Recipes, Tips + a Printable Planner


Has Thanksgiving snuck up on you this year? I know it has for me, and this free ebook is designed to help you plan your Thanksgiving so that it’s the kind of celebration you want. That may mean a new family tradition, a new recipe or a scaled-back meal plan. Or it may just mean getting organized to lessen the stress.

Because I am an admitted kitchen dunce, I knew I couldn’t put this ebook together on my own, so I partnered with more than 15 bloggers to highlight their recipes, traditions, and decorating ideas. You’re sure to find a recipe or idea that inspires you within these pages, and I hope you’ll also spend some time visiting the contributors’ sites!

Click here to print or download the free Thanksgiving ebook.

Then be sure to print out these planning pages as well:

Get all of the Life Your Way printables The complete set includes all printables published to date, organized by folder for easy download.

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