Overcoming the Stress of Having Kids in the Kitchen {Eat Well, Spend Less}

For this month's Eat Well, Spend Less theme, we're talking about kids in the kitchen... Although I'm learning to enjoy my time in the kitchen, I still find it a bit stressful. I have to really focus and concentrate so that I don't make stupid mistakes, and things that might seem obvious to someone with…

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Read more about the article Today’s the 2nd Annual Ultimate Blog Swap!
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Today’s the 2nd Annual Ultimate Blog Swap!

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Today is the second Ultimate Blog Swap, and I'm so excited by the quantity and quality of the blogs who are participating! With more than 100 blogs signed up for today's swap, you're sure to discover some new favorites along the way, so grab a cup of coffee, pick a random blog from the list…

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Read more about the article 10 Ways to Organize Clutter Hot Spots
source: Classy Clutter

10 Ways to Organize Clutter Hot Spots

As part of my role as an Official Apartment Guide Organizing Blogger, I've had the opportunity to contribute to their Organize the Clutter Pinterest board. Their entire Pinterest account is enough to make any organizer or decorator drool. Still, this board is my favorite with its nifty organizing solutions to corral and organize clutter hot…

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Read more about the article 9 Binder Benders for Kids
source: Mandi Ehman

9 Binder Benders for Kids

A couple of months ago, I talked about ways to use binders to get organized at home. Today I'm sharing more ideas specifically for kids. Binders not only help them organize but also archive and showcase their stuff, as seen below: 1. Art Binders: With four crafty girls in our home, we can only keep…

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Read more about the article Choosing Between a Memoir vs. Niche Blog
source: D. Sharon Pruitt

Choosing Between a Memoir vs. Niche Blog

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Some great posts in the archives of Life Your Way don’t get much attention anymore. This week, I’ll be sharing some of my favorites. Whether you’ve been around since the beginning or are a new reader, I think you’ll enjoy them! Many bloggers over the years have started blogging with the same purpose: to simply…

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Read more about the article Lazy Parenting & The Better Late Than Early Philosophy
source: Brian Kelley

Lazy Parenting & The Better Late Than Early Philosophy

As a new mother, I was sure I would teach my daughter to use the potty before she was two and read at three or four years old. Ha. What I've discovered as she's gotten older and we've added more children to our family, though, is that I prefer the lazy approach to parenting, which…

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Read more about the article Making & Using Tot Trays with Your Little Ones
source: Janel from Life with L and E

Making & Using Tot Trays with Your Little Ones

The following post is from Stephanie of Playing House: Making and Using Tot Trays with Your Little Ones When I was pregnant with my little guy (now 15 months), I knew I wanted to stay home with my kids but was a little overwhelmed by how I would be able to entertain my daughter while…

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