Essay on 10 Signs of Emotional Abuse

A person can't be completely assessed until the point when you had endeavored to abandon him. Many studies concluded that there are still large numbers of women who have seen abuse or damaging conduct in their parent's life never proposed to have a similar sort of treatment in their own or children's life. Social abuses…

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How To Carry On Studying When You’re A Busy Mom

When you’re a busy Mom, the idea of studying can be a daunting one. After all, you have so many things to do and think about, that you may believe that you’ll never have the time to fit it all in. How are you supposed to find the balance between your kids, your home life,…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Microblading

Microblading is a technique for creating semi-permanent, light, wispy hair strokes on your eyebrow ridge to supplement your natural eyebrows. It can be considered a form of eyebrow tattoo, though unlike most tattoos, it is almost undetectable when done right. And when properly done, microbladed eyebrows can maintain their appearance for up to three years…

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7 Things Saving My Sanity as A Work-At-Homeschooling Mom

  7 Things Saving My Sanity I don't care what anyone says, life as a work-at-homeschooling mom isn’t easy, no matter how good at it you are. It takes, well, work to juggle work (whether it's a full-time job or a business of your own) plus homeschooling, and they're just aren’t a ton of extra…

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Why I’ve fallen hard for creative bullet journaling

  In 2015, I began bullet journaling. I didn't use my BuJo for daily or weekly plans, but I kept all of my vision- & goal-setting exercises, Bible study notes, and quotes to remember in one well-loved journal with an index for easy reference. That year I also fell in love with doodling and hand-lettering,…

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7 things I’ve learned about Stitch Fix from the buy/sell/trade group on Facebook

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These are my "I'm not a fashion model or a style blogger" poses. Oy! I was a reluctant Stitch Fix convert for many months, mostly because of the prices. There's no way around the fact that these pieces cost much more than those of us who shop Target and Old Navy are used to spending.…

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Finding inspiration for your doodles {plus 2 printable doodle pages!}

Although I'm still learning the basics of doodling, one thing I've started to do in the last couple of weeks is be more intentional about collecting patterns and borders to use as inspiration and to develop my own style (rather than just copying others). As I was working on these pages in my sketchbook, I…

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On the difference between being prideful and being proud of who you are

Do you know how you can tell that you struggle with pride? When you're terrified to admit you are prideful because of what others might think. Ironic, isn't it? But that's exactly where I found myself for many years in my early 20s. I accomplished a lot in my teen years and early 20s, receiving…

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