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Photo by Jessica West:

How To Create a Low-Maintenance Home as A Parent

As a parent, maintaining a home and taking care of your family can be stressful sometimes. All you might need is a home that isn’t too high maintenance or doesn’t need too much work. You’re in luck if you have been wondering how to reduce your home’s upkeep. Maintaining a low-maintenance home requires organization, planning, and smart design. These ten tips will make it easier for you to take care of your home. From choosing the right materials to decluttering your space, you will get the best results with minimal effort.

1. Keep it clean and organized 

A clean home is a low-maintenance home. Dust, dirt, and grime can build up quickly and make your home look and feel dirty. A regular cleaning schedule will help you keep on top of the cleaning and make your home look and feel its best. Also, it is essential to keep your home organized. Having a place for everything and keeping things in their proper place will make it easier to find things when you need them. First, list the areas in your home that are most cluttered and need immediate attention. Once you have your list, plan to declutter and organize each area. 

As you declutter, sort items into three piles: keep, donate, and trash. Be ruthless when deciding what to keep — only keep items you use and love. You should also throw away anything damaged or never used, so keep this in mind. Once you have decluttered an area, it’s time to start organizing. Use baskets, bins, and shelves to help you keep everything in its place. Label everything so you know where everything goes. A little organization can go a long way toward keeping your home tidy. 

2. Invest in durable materials 

Investing in durable materials is an important step as well. Options such as hardwood flooring, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances are known to last longer and require less upkeep than their cheaper or less durable counterparts. Choosing these materials can save you time and money in the long run, as they are less likely to need repairs or replacement. In addition, durable materials can often withstand daily wear and tear better, which can help keep your home looking newer for longer, so keep this in mind. 

3. Automate as much as possible 

Automating certain aspects of your home will help you create a low-maintenance home. If you have been wondering how to lower electricity bills with your air conditioning system, consider using smart home devices such as thermostats. They will allow you to set specific temperatures and schedules for your living space. High-tech cleaning systems like robotic vacuums can also save time and effort in keeping your home clean. Automating tasks such as watering plants or turning appliances on and off can reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills. Also, it will save you time and help you focus on other tasks, so feel free to consider this. 

4. Choose low-maintenance plants 

These plants are easy to care for and don’t require much attention or resources, saving you time and money in the long run. They are also drought-tolerant and can survive in lower light conditions, so you don’t have to worry about providing them with specific lighting or watering conditions. Low-maintenance plants are less prone to pests and diseases, which can help keep your home’s indoor environment healthy and clean. Also, these plants can help to improve the air quality in your home by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Choosing low-maintenance plants can help create a beautiful, healthy, and easy-to-care-for home environment, so you can leverage them for the best results.

5. Hire professionals 

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a working one, you will need the services of professionals to keep your home in good condition. This is because they have the knowledge and experience to design and install systems and features that are efficient and easy to maintain. For example, a professional plumber can install low-flow shower heads and faucets to reduce water usage, or a professional electrician can install energy-efficient lighting and appliances. Also, professionals can provide valuable advice on maintaining and repairing these systems, saving you time and money in the long run. 

They can help you create a home tailored to your busy lifestyle and needs. For example, if you want to incorporate automation to control lighting and temperature in your home, the professional can help you choose the right systems and devices that will work best for you. Finally, hiring professionals can give you peace of mind that the work is done correctly and safely, which can help you avoid costly mistakes and repairs in the future. For instance, you don’t need to scrub off the scribbles on your precious furniture and damage it. Consider calling a professional to pressure wash it. 

6. Repaint your walls 

Repainting your home can protect the surface of the walls from damage caused by weather, sunlight, and wear and tear. A fresh coat of paint can also improve the appearance of your home, making it look cleaner and more inviting. Washable wall paint is a great option for families with children because it is more durable and easier to clean than traditional paint. It is often formulated to resist stains, scuffs, and marks from crayons, markers, and other common household items. If your kids make a mess on the wall, it can be easily cleaned with soap and water. Additionally, washable wall paint can be more resistant to fading and discoloration so that it will look newer for longer. Overall, washable wall paint can help maintain the appearance of your home, so feel free to consider this.

7. Repair things immediately 

Fixing things in the home immediately is especially important when you have kids because children can be more susceptible to accidents and injuries in an environment that is not well-maintained. For example, if you have a loose step or a broken tile, it could be a tripping hazard for your kids. If you have a leaky faucet, it could be a drowning hazard for your children. If you notice any issues that could be potential safety risks, it is vital to address them immediately to protect your children. Additionally, having kids can mean that your home is subject to more wear and tear than it would be otherwise. 

Children can be hard on furniture, floors, and walls, and fixing things as soon as possible can help prevent the items in question. Also, as a parent, you may have a lot on your plate, and it may be difficult to find time to address repairs, but if left unattended, small repairs can quickly become bigger and more expensive to fix. By handling repairs instantly, you can save yourself time and energy in the long run and make your home a safer and more comfortable place for your kids to grow up.

8. Allow your child to help you

It would be beneficial if you allowed your child to help you with little tasks or chores around the house. This could include cleaning after themselves after playing with their toys or putting things in their right places. Allowing children to take on chores and responsibilities helps them learn important life skills and develop a sense of responsibility. 

 To conclude, keeping a low-maintenance home as a parent can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Following these tips, you can create a low-maintenance, functional, and comfortable home for your family, so keep this in mind. 

Featured Photo by Jessica West: