Read more about the article 3 Steps: Don’t Sacrifice Retirement for College Savings
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

3 Steps: Don’t Sacrifice Retirement for College Savings

Does your 12-year-old have a burgeoning desire to become a veterinarian? Do you have a four-year-old who wants to “build big things?” My kids are six and three. They’re already set on becoming a ballet teacher and a tractor driver (yes, a tractor driver!) and like many parents, I’ve taken a stab at saving for…

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Top 5 Tips to Prepare Your Child for Perfect Night’s Sleep

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Right from the time a child is born, it is very crucial to moms that the child gets enough sleep. This is because they understand that sleep is vital to the health of their child. Every time kids sleep, their bodies renew their cells and their minds are replenished. In the course of these, energy…

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4 Things to Consider Before Your Child Moves into Uni Accommodation

The time has arrived and you’re child is finally packing their bags and moving away from home to start their new adventure - university! This will be one of the most exciting, nerve-wracking yet brilliant times of theirlife, and it’s important to do everything you can to ensure that they have the best time possible.…

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Ways of Purifying Drinking Water for Family

The care of the whole family depends on the hands of the mom and the health depends on the drinking water. Review some information about drinking water. As a mother, it's anything but difficult to place your needs last when you are putting your child's first. Dealing with yourself by setting aside the effort to…

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Why You Should Hire A GoPro Editor For Your Vacation Video

The memories that we build in our childhood are always about the adventures we have during our vacations. Adventures like hiking or skydiving or when we get frozen just to see the historical buildings or the view of the azure blue sky hitting against the breathtaking snow. These are memories of family occasions that you…

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Read more about the article 6 Tips for Where to Put Your Television for A Healthier Lifestyle
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6 Tips for Where to Put Your Television for A Healthier Lifestyle

The majority of homes in the world have at least one television. That’s just in the world, whereas virtually all homes in the developed world have a television. And if you’re reading this article, you probably do too. Some say that television should be completely eliminated from you home, and some moms even institute a…

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How A Home Monitoring System Can Protect Your Family

Danger lurks in every corner. Regardless if you’re living in a quaint home, intruders can still break inside your property, steal your valuables, and harm your family. As a mother, this is the last thing you would want to happen to any of your loved ones. You can protect your family from this kind of…

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Debt Consolidation Helps In Saving Money Especially For Single Parents Out There

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It is no doubt that being a single parent is quite difficult. You need to manage everything, from bills to lunches and even school fees. Not only that, but most importantly, you have to realize the budget you plan to work on. Single parents will have some higher debt than most of the demographics in…

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When Should Your Toddler Get His First Hair Cut?

Apart from keeping the baby happy, healthy and safe, you need to groom it well. Babies love to play while eating or grabbing their much-loved snacks while watching favourite cartoons. To keep your baby looking good, you can wash, comb and style the hair. With little curls, managing baby hair is easy. However, as the…

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10 Best Baby Cribs 2019- Safety and Quality Are Key

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After celebrating the great news that you have a new family member on the way, you need to start making some decisions when it comes to preparing your home. Whether you have a designated room prepared for your child or you’re still deciding where your baby will rest their tired eyes, you’ll need a high-quality…

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