How Mompreneurs Become a Success

Mompreneurs are nothing to squawk at because they are daring, strong, and fierce. They do not let anything or anyone get in their way of achieving success. This is not to say they do not have struggles. Mompreneurs have a lot of struggles: Managing a household AND clients. Compromising sleep to finish work. Putting everyone…

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Smart Money Tips for New Moms That You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Being a parent is expensive. Like, really expensive. In most families, you are going to be forced to live off a single salary – or at least a salary and a half, rather than the usual two. On top of this, you’ll have all the costs associated with a looking after baby. That means food,…

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Read more about the article How to Protect Your Kids Online [The Non-Techie Guide]
Image by Andi Graf from Pixabay

How to Protect Your Kids Online [The Non-Techie Guide]

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It has never been more important to make sure that your kids are safe online. You hear about high-profile incidents, such as the so-called “Momo Challenge”, which circulated recently. But, you pray that nobody will prey on your little ones. However, you can’t simply bury your head in the sand on this issue. As a…

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Essay on 10 Signs of Emotional Abuse

A person can't be completely assessed until the point when you had endeavored to abandon him. Many studies concluded that there are still large numbers of women who have seen abuse or damaging conduct in their parent's life never proposed to have a similar sort of treatment in their own or children's life. Social abuses…

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How To Carry On Studying When You’re A Busy Mom

When you’re a busy Mom, the idea of studying can be a daunting one. After all, you have so many things to do and think about, that you may believe that you’ll never have the time to fit it all in. How are you supposed to find the balance between your kids, your home life,…

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Spend Time, Not Money – 10 Free ways to Show Love and Affection

As a mom, I am responsible for the wellbeing and development of my children, but I’m also jointly responsible for the same in my marriage. Like most moms, I want to nurture and support my children. By warmth and good humour, physical affection, and a willingness to be human behind the role of ‘mom’ I’m…

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Carrot Cake Baked Zoats and 5 Whole30 Tips

It's been 3 weeks since I finished my {almost} Whole30, and I've done surprisingly well at maintaining the habits that I built during that challenge. I'm especially proud of myself for spending a week in Florida with my parents and sister and staying within a normal fluctuation of 2-3 pounds, especially since food is our…

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