7 Things Saving My Sanity as A Work-At-Homeschooling Mom

  7 Things Saving My Sanity I don't care what anyone says, life as a work-at-homeschooling mom isn’t easy, no matter how good at it you are. It takes, well, work to juggle work (whether it's a full-time job or a business of your own) plus homeschooling, and they're just aren’t a ton of extra…

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Why I’ve fallen hard for creative bullet journaling

  In 2015, I began bullet journaling. I didn't use my BuJo for daily or weekly plans, but I kept all of my vision- & goal-setting exercises, Bible study notes, and quotes to remember in one well-loved journal with an index for easy reference. That year I also fell in love with doodling and hand-lettering,…

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How Leadership Education is changing our homeschool

In addition to reprioritizing, one of my top personal goals, while we were in Florida in May, was to complete the Focus & Align Masterclass. I was reminded through that process that while academics are definitely one of my top goals, bookwork isn't. As I went through the class, I thought these seven guiding rules would…

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Chores and allowance for keeping the house clean AND building character

One of the questions I hear most often from other families—blog readers and friends alike—is how we handle chores and allowance as a family. There are so many different approaches out there... unpaid chores as a contributing member of the family a regular allowance tied to age rather than chores paid daily chores paid optional jobs…

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What a red dye sensitivity means for our family

We’re traveling this week and next, so I’m sharing some of my favorite posts from the archives. This one seemed especially timely with Valentine's Day, and all of it's pink and red food, coming up this weekend. It happens every few months. As our oldest daughter rages and screams, one of our other girls will…

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Ichthyosis {or fish-scale disease} and what it means for our little one

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Nothing about Lucas pregnancy or birth was like any of his siblings, and I promise there was one point where I was sure the perinatologist wanted to ask us if we were sure he had the same father as the rest of our kids {yes, absolutely!} because he was measuring so large and all of…

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7 things I’ve learned about Stitch Fix from the buy/sell/trade group on Facebook

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These are my "I'm not a fashion model or a style blogger" poses. Oy! I was a reluctant Stitch Fix convert for many months, mostly because of the prices. There's no way around the fact that these pieces cost much more than those of us who shop Target and Old Navy are used to spending.…

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Fill-in-the-blank thank you cards, printable ornament journal + more {101 Days of Christmas}

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Each week this holiday season, I’m sharing seven of my very favorite 101 Days of Christmas projects from the archives. Christmas is in just 4 days, so rather than give you a list of last-minute projects, I'm going to share a few that will help you in the days after Christmas. May your Christmas week be filled with…

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Printable nativity set, cranberry crunch bark + more {101 Days of Christmas}

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Each week this holiday season, I’m sharing seven of my very favorite 101 Days of Christmas projects from the archives. My main strategy for avoiding stress during the holiday season is to start early, but even if you're just starting to think about Christmas, you can simplify by saying no to the things that don't fit…

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