Turn your spare room into a creative space for your kids

A lot of things have changed since I was a child. There is a computer in every household, and it seems every six-year-old has a smartphone or iPad. Like many, I was reluctant to give my children access to all this technology so freely; after all, the internet is unmoderated and unsafe right? One night…

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Read more about the article Smart Savings to Make in Your Home
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Smart Savings to Make in Your Home

Do you struggle to save money? You’re not alone. It can be difficult to save, especially if you feel like your income is stretched. If cutting back on your everyday spending is difficult, why not look at ways you can cut back at home? Making some changes to your typical habits could save you a…

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Promoting a Healthy Life for You and Your Family

Life isn't always scripted and things will happen that are out of your control. However, there are many ways to promote a healthy existence for you and your family. Promoting a healthy lifestyle for every member of your family is easy if you eat right, exercise, get enough rest, rid your home of pests and…

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When the Occasion Is Ultimately Special As A Parent

Looking for a that gift that will always be remembered?  A gift for a very special occasion for a very special friend or family member?  There are a lot of different ways to celebrate a special occasion as parents, and some of these methods are fairly banal. While there are various ways to celebrate, in…

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Education Struggles: 7 Ways to Make Your Child’s Education Simpler

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As a parent, it is hard not to be involved in our children's education, especially since we are well aware of how essential it is for their future.  In fact, from our perspective; it seems unrealistic that our children would put things such as electronics or friends before their school work. However, the reality is…

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Read more about the article How to Clean a Humidifier for Your Baby the Right Way
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How to Clean a Humidifier for Your Baby the Right Way

Already have a baby humidifier or do you want to invest in one? You might want to learn how to clean humidifiers before purchasing as they can be a potential bacteria breeding ground. If you are looking to have a clean humidifier, this is for you. One of the issues with humidifiers is that while…

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Read more about the article Home Office Ideas For Work-At-Home Moms
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Home Office Ideas For Work-At-Home Moms

Working from home is a grand achievement for anyone that wants to get out of the daily nine to five grind. It has its upsides and its downsides, sure. But all in all, the opportunity to be both a breadwinner and a Mom at your convenience is invaluable. When you bring the idea up initially,…

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Read more about the article Best 10 Jobs for Moms
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Best 10 Jobs for Moms

Are you a mother looking for a job that will accommodate your work-life balance? Parenting requires an adequate balance of work and personal life. Having a flexible schedule means having more quality time with your family. Scrambling for adequate daycare can be a nightmare when you have to work long hours. There are quite a…

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