101 Days of Christmas: Paper Star Ornaments

How to Fold Paper Stars
source: Mandi Ehman

I saw this project in Family Fun over the summer with big stars for 4th of the July, and I knew small versions of these paper stars would be perfect ornaments for the wooden tree in our kitchen!

These are easy to make (albeit tedious if you’re making a dozen of them!), and you can easily customize them to match your home or holiday decor.

How to Fold Paper Stars


  • scrapbook paper, cut into 4″x4″ squares
  • scissors
  • double-stick tape
  • hot glue
  • ribbon or string


Fold paper in half diagonally (wrong sides together).

Rotate 90 degrees and fold in half along opposite diagonal.

Fold in half (right sides together).

Rotate 90 degrees and fold in half again.

Cut slits along each of the straight folds, a little less than halfway to the center.

Fold the corners in, lining them up carefully with the diagonal fold.

Overlap the flaps, using glue or double-sided tape to secure the points.

Repeat. Use hot glue to attach the two halves. Add a ribbon for hanging.

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