101 Days of Christmas: Printable Santa Letter Templates

Printable Santa Letter Templates

Happy Thanksgiving! It’s a holiday, but the countdown must go on, and today’s project is a fun printable for your family:

First, a confession: We don’t really “do” Santa at our house. He’s a fun character, but we tend to treat him like Minnie Mouse or Dora or any number of other characters — fun but clearly pretend — and we talk a lot about the historical St. Nick. But Santa doesn’t bring the gifts. (Why should he get the credit for our hard work? Ha!)

That said, it’s not something I feel especially strong about for other people, just the way our family personally chooses to celebrate, and I have a lot of really great memories of Santa from when I was growing up. Like the year I was sure I heard jingle bells and someone on the roof. I don’t think my parents went to any great lengths to make me believe, but whatever I heard that night had me I pretty well convinced for many years!

Because I know Santa is a fun tradition for many of your families, I made these Santa letter templates for you. Use the Dear Santa letter for your child to write to Santa (plus it’s a great way to figure out what they really want for Christmas and get in some letter writing/handwriting practice!) and then use Santa’s Letterhead to write a note back!

Click the links below to download or print both templates:

  • Dear Santa Letter
  • Santa’s Letterhead

How does your family approach Santa Claus?

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Join us as we celebrate 101 Days of Christmas with new DIY projects, gift ideas, traditions and more every day from now through Christmas!

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