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Photo by Josh Hemsley on Unsplash

See How to Create a Sultry Look with Removable Black Wallpaper

What do you think of using black wallpaper in your home? Yay or nay? Well, it’s now in! People have embraced bold colors for a long time now, and it makes sense that they would go for the boldest of all – black! After all, it is stylish, luxurious, and, most importantly, dramatic! There’s nothing like black wallpaper on an accent wall to show the world that you understand interior décor to a level that would earn your home a spot in a style magazine. But of course, getting the look right is not all about choosing wallpaper and sticking it on your wall. Instead, it boils down to a few simple rules and techniques, which we will cover.

What’s Taboo when Using Black Wallpaper?

Did you know that using wallpaper requires that you understand some fundamental rules? Back wallpaper is especially harder to navigate compared to other options. Think about how it will impact the room and how you can avoid creating a gloomy look. Luckily, you hardly need to care about installing and removing peelable wallpaper as this will be a breeze. So, what must you know?

  • Using wallpaper makes a room feel smaller – This should not be a problem for big rooms, but with small rooms, you can create the effect of walls closing in on the space. In this case, less is more. Rather than covering an entire wall, you can cover part of the wall or even a few sections like the bookshelves.
  • Using black wallpaper on all the walls is frowned upon. Unless you are trying to create an artistic impression or use the room for a specific purpose, you cannot plaster all the walls with black removable wallpaper. Instead, use it on one or two walls and create breaks in between the walls to give room to more hues and light.
  • Complementing black wallpaper takes away part of its dramatic effect. Think of it this way. Black is a masculine effect, and it may be hard to take for most people. So, the way to make the room feel more welcoming is by embracing color in other spots of the room. Consider adding more colorful accessories and furniture to your space. It creates visual interest and ensures the room does not feel gloomy.

Black Wallpaper Options

Let’s consider your options when decorating with this stylish wallpaper. Of course, your decision will come down to the room’s purpose and your general preferences. 

Going Plain

This look is quite popular and can work when you want to create a fuss-free aesthetic. As the name implies, the wallpaper does not have anything extra, so you need to be creative about complementing it. For example, you can have it on one main wall. You can frame it with mirrors and shelves to take away from its dramatic effect. Or you can combine it with wallpaper with shades and patterns to impart some style to the room. Some people opt to include colorful accessories instead to play into the dull look.

Using Patterns

If plain wallpaper does not cut it, you can always go for geometric wallpaper. The interesting thing with patterns is that they take away from the dramatic effect of the black wallpaper. People looking at the wallpaper for walls may not even notice their color because they will be entranced with the shapes and sizes. You can even use the patterns to complement the room. For example, if the room has short walls, you can use vertical patterned wallpaper, giving the illusion of height. With small widths, you can use horizontal patterns that make the room feel wider. What can complement your space?

Adding Some Floral Patterns

As we said, black is a masculine color, and it can command a room to a level to which you may not feel comfortable. Adding some floral patterns works like adding a hue- it breaks the masculinity and lends some femininity to the space. Take the bedroom as an example. Using black wallpaper can make the room feel too gloomy to make for a good resting area. But when you compliment the wallpaper with some floral patterns, you get a gentler aesthetic. Or you can choose a wallpaper that already has botanical patterns in it. That way, you do not have to do the mixing and matching and can instead go straight to the installation and enjoy the designs.

Prioritizing Classical Styles

Going with black and white wallpaper has often worked but have you ever considered a twist to this approach? Golden and silver monograms can work the same magic while simultaneously transforming the home into a masterpiece. Anyone looking at the wallpaper will marvel at how chic it is, and this is one of the easiest ways to update any home.

Dotting Down the Wallpaper

Polka dots wallpaper
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Polka dots look great on clothes, and you’d be surprised at what wonders they work on walls. They do not even need to have another hue. You can use black on black polka dots, and the design would be enough to break the monotony and make the wallpaper much more visually interesting. Or you can play about with the hues and choose dots that bear other colors and see how charming the result can be.

Choosing Abstraction

Going for this design idea is a brave move and one that will keep rewarding you if you hack it. The goal is to create art with the wallpaper, which you do not even have to do if you get an abstract piece from the store. Please note that your furniture plays a big part in the final look. Ensure that you work with simple colors that do not compete with the art. Otherwise, you will create a busy look.

Is using black wallpaper worth it? Of course. With other hues, you always need to keep wondering if the looks will still be trendy come next season. But with black, you can rest assured that the wallpaper can stay in place for years and still not go out of style. So, why not go black today?

Featured Photo by Josh Hemsley on Unsplash