The following post is from Lisa of The Pennington Point: 8 Fun Uses for Old Frames
I have talked before about using empty picture frames for things besides putting pictures in them. I love them so much I am back with some more fun ideas! I can’t stop trying new ways to use my frames. They are affordable and easy to use and make a big impact. You can paint them, make them look vintage, modern, traditional, or whatever your style is.
Just look at all these fun ways to use frames…
1. Add a POP of color!
Painting a group of frames all the same color can add a pop of your favorite color. This beautiful coral addition of coral really brings out the beach style in this room….gorgeous!

2. Create a monotone color scheme.
On the flip side, you can paint the frames the same color as your wall. This will add an element of art without being more colorful than you want.

3. Use as a photo prop.
For weddings, family photos, baby pictures, school photos….an empty frame can make a great prop for a fun photo.

4. Ceiling medallion.
What a cute way to add accent on the ceiling! I am definitely going to us this idea.

5. Create an outdoor backdrop.
What a cute way to add a floating backdrop to your next occasion! This one was used for a wedding, and I adore it.

6. Frame your keys.
If I didn’t have a place where we all keep the keys I would never be able to find them. Putting them in an old frame just makes it cute AND organized.

7. Frame kids’ art on the fridge.
I like to give my kids places to display their artwork, but I don’t like a messy fridge. This idea for using frames as magnets is completely adorable and neat.

8. Or try this idea for a kids’ art display.
For a really tight budget, this idea is fabulous! Flea market frames and the kids painted right on the wall! The kids would love doing this.

These are just a few more ways to use empty frames. I buy them for $.50 or less at garage sales and flea markets to use whenever an idea hits. Then, I paint them or sand them up for my purposes.
Do you have any old frames you can use for a new purpose?
Lisa winds through her little Texas farm house every night, tucking in her nine homeschooled children and turning off lights. Then she scans the rooms & makes a mental list of what she wants to rearrange, restore or paint. Her husband of 25 years hangs on for the ride while she blogs about it over at The Pennington Point. | |