Working together as a family to keep the house clean

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Last summer I knew something had to change. Although we'd given our kids plenty of chores as toddlers and preschoolers, we hadn't really scaled those chores as they'd gotten older, and Sean and I were basically doing everything ourselves. We spent the summer teaching the girls various skills and assigning "jobs" until we were all working…

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Education Struggles: 7 Ways to Make Your Child’s Education Simpler

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As a parent, it is hard not to be involved in our children's education, especially since we are well aware of how essential it is for their future.  In fact, from our perspective; it seems unrealistic that our children would put things such as electronics or friends before their school work. However, the reality is…

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Read more about the article How to Clean a Humidifier for Your Baby the Right Way
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How to Clean a Humidifier for Your Baby the Right Way

Already have a baby humidifier or do you want to invest in one? You might want to learn how to clean humidifiers before purchasing as they can be a potential bacteria breeding ground. If you are looking to have a clean humidifier, this is for you. One of the issues with humidifiers is that while…

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Read more about the article Home Office Ideas For Work-At-Home Moms
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Home Office Ideas For Work-At-Home Moms

Working from home is a grand achievement for anyone that wants to get out of the daily nine to five grind. It has its upsides and its downsides, sure. But all in all, the opportunity to be both a breadwinner and a Mom at your convenience is invaluable. When you bring the idea up initially,…

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Read more about the article Best 10 Jobs for Moms
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Best 10 Jobs for Moms

Are you a mother looking for a job that will accommodate your work-life balance? Parenting requires an adequate balance of work and personal life. Having a flexible schedule means having more quality time with your family. Scrambling for adequate daycare can be a nightmare when you have to work long hours. There are quite a…

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Read more about the article 3 Steps: Don’t Sacrifice Retirement for College Savings
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

3 Steps: Don’t Sacrifice Retirement for College Savings

Does your 12-year-old have a burgeoning desire to become a veterinarian? Do you have a four-year-old who wants to “build big things?” My kids are six and three. They’re already set on becoming a ballet teacher and a tractor driver (yes, a tractor driver!) and like many parents, I’ve taken a stab at saving for…

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Top 5 Tips to Prepare Your Child for Perfect Night’s Sleep

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Right from the time a child is born, it is very crucial to moms that the child gets enough sleep. This is because they understand that sleep is vital to the health of their child. Every time kids sleep, their bodies renew their cells and their minds are replenished. In the course of these, energy…

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4 Things to Consider Before Your Child Moves into Uni Accommodation

The time has arrived and you’re child is finally packing their bags and moving away from home to start their new adventure - university! This will be one of the most exciting, nerve-wracking yet brilliant times of theirlife, and it’s important to do everything you can to ensure that they have the best time possible.…

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