Read more about the article Master These Go-To Meals If You Travel for Work
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Master These Go-To Meals If You Travel for Work

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If you spend a lot of time traveling for work, you might be eating more than your share of ready-made meals and take-out.  That might not be so healthy for you. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 70% of sodium most Americans consume is from restaurants and processed food. Even if you’re…

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Evidence-based health benefits of magnesium – List of foods that have this mineral

The fourth most necessary mineral in human body is magnesium as it includes more than 600 cellular reactions from helping your muscles contract to make DNA. In spite of the necessity and vitality of this mineral, more than 70% of American adults and moms are never able to meet their regular intake of magnesium. Due…

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Read more about the article Better Breakfasts for Your Family
Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Better Breakfasts for Your Family

Mornings with your family offer the perfect opportunity to spend quality time together and eat a healthy breakfast. It is the best way to start your day with many key nutrients your body needs, including calcium, fiber, and protein. The foods you choose to eat for your first meal of the day are crucial for…

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When the Occasion Is Ultimately Special As A Parent

Looking for a that gift that will always be remembered?  A gift for a very special occasion for a very special friend or family member?  There are a lot of different ways to celebrate a special occasion as parents, and some of these methods are fairly banal. While there are various ways to celebrate, in…

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How to Pack Healthy and Kids’ School Lunches

Many parents hate packing school lunches for their kids, especially if they are fussy eaters. Getting proper nutrition into a tiny human who would rather exist solely on mac ‘n' cheese and chocolate milk is difficult. With so much information out there, and so many other parents potentially judging your choices, it’s easy to get…

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Top 6 Teas That Will Help Moms Sleep Faster and Better

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Some new parents are shocked to find that instead of falling asleep the minute their head hits the pillow, they suddenly can't get to sleep at all. Whether they have insomnia or are suffering from stress, giving them trouble sleeping, they can benefit from some teas that can actually help them sleep better and faster…

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Carrot Cake Baked Zoats and 5 Whole30 Tips

It's been 3 weeks since I finished my {almost} Whole30, and I've done surprisingly well at maintaining the habits that I built during that challenge. I'm especially proud of myself for spending a week in Florida with my parents and sister and staying within a normal fluctuation of 2-3 pounds, especially since food is our…

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What a red dye sensitivity means for our family

We’re traveling this week and next, so I’m sharing some of my favorite posts from the archives. This one seemed especially timely with Valentine's Day, and all of it's pink and red food, coming up this weekend. It happens every few months. As our oldest daughter rages and screams, one of our other girls will…

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On the Whole 30, falling off the wagon and moderation

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  • Post category:Real Food

I spent most of the fall planning for a January "reset" via a Whole 30, knowing my body needed to get off the sugar-caffeine-carbs cycle I was on but not quite sure how to do that in the busyness that characterized the last five months of 2014. To keep myself accountable, I invited a ton of friends…

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