Read more about the article Apple Oatmeal Crumb Muffins
photo source: SHaina Olmanson |

Apple Oatmeal Crumb Muffins

The following post is from Shaina of Food for My Family and Olmanson Photography: Apple Oatmeal Crumb Muffins Warm from the oven, this maple-sweetened and cinnamon-spiced apple oatmeal muffins recipe makes for a hearty fall breakfast. Last night I went out in the afternoon with a bowl and picked all the ripe tomatoes off the…

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Read more about the article How giving up “real food” made our family healthier
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

How giving up “real food” made our family healthier

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  • Post category:Real Food

I have a confession. At the beginning of this year, I decided I was done with "real food." Just done. Done reading labels. I was done feeling like I needed to make everything from scratch. Done worrying over every little thing that passed through our kitchen or ended up in our stomachs. I was tired…

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Read more about the article Easy Lemon Pancakes from Scratch
source: Shaina Olmanson |

Easy Lemon Pancakes from Scratch

The following post is from Shaina of Food for My Family and Olmanson Photography: Easy Lemon Pancakes from Scratch The spring weekend. Unlike the winter weekend, where the warmth of my bed seems far more appealing than facing the frigid air that lies just beyond the covers, the spring weekend, with its sunshine streaming through…

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Read more about the article Manchego Olive Freeform Bread
Photo Source: Shaina Olmanson |

Manchego Olive Freeform Bread

The following post is from Shaina of Food for My Family and Olmanson Photography: Manchego Olive Freeform Bread Tangy Manchego cheese and Spanish olives are dotted through this soft freeform bread loaf. My grey counters are antiqued in a thin layer of white powder. I turn the corner, sweeping as I go, and am greeted…

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Read more about the article Lime and Blackberry Jam-Filled Doughnuts
source: Shaina Olmanson |

Lime and Blackberry Jam-Filled Doughnuts

The following post is from Shaina of Food for My Family and Olmanson Photography: Soft, yeast doughnuts filled with a thick blackberry jam and topped with a lime glaze made an appearance at our house recently. This is how they came to be. We were sitting in church, the organ music filling the room as…

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Read more about the article Lemon Ginger Tisane {Tea}: Cough and Cold Relief
source: Shaina Olmanson | Food for My Family

Lemon Ginger Tisane {Tea}: Cough and Cold Relief

The following post is from Shaina of Food for My Family and Olmanson Photography - Lemon Ginger Tisane {Tea}: Cough and Cold Relief The temperature here is falling. I watch it on my phone while I sit curled under a wool afghan, my knees pulled up to my chest, my book in hand. It has…

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Read more about the article 6 Easy and Connected Dinners for School Nights
Photo by Shaina Olmanson | Food for My Family

6 Easy and Connected Dinners for School Nights

The following post is from Shaina of Food for My Family and Olmanson Photography: 6 Easy and Connected Dinners for School Nights I was reading Mandi's post about why meal planning doesn't always work last week and kept nodding my head in agreement. No matter how organized I am, I end up dropping the ball…

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